We’ve teamed up with 5 women who defy clichés, create legacies and are completely unafraid to start a revolution. These Alba Botanica® brand users represent everything we stand for and absolutely believe in doing beautiful in the world.
3 words to describe yourself. Go!
Creative, enthusiastic, passionate.
Tell us about the work that you do. What’s your favorite part?
I am a school garden-to-table teacher for K to 5th graders. Each month I teach them a new subject about garden science and tailor my lesson to the appropriate age group. We also spend time gardening and making a healthy snack in my classroom kitchen. My favorite part is watching the seedlings grow and witnessing the youth make connections from what I teach them to what is applied in nature.
What’s the one thing that’s surprised you in your path up until now?
That I am a teacher. Wanting to be a teacher never crossed my mind till I was about 28 years old.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Being a born and bred New Yorker, my biggest challenge was finding a community that understood the importance of what I do and its integral imprint on our Earth and its future. Hence, the west coast is more progressive in regards to this matter.
To you, what does it mean to #DoGoodDoBeautiful?
To not only do what you love, but share that knowledge with others so that we can collectively cultivate an optimum environment to live in peacefully.
What advice would you give to young women aspiring to pursue or get involved in activist work?
There is no better time than now. There are two quotes that have always resonated with me. As my father always told me growing up, “If not you, who? If not now, when?” And “Be the change you wish to see in the world” by Mahatma Gandhi. Don’t conform to societal pressures as to where those pressures think you should fit in. Only YOU know that. That is your soul power, and that is the light you get to shed in this world.
Favorite way to unwind after a long day. Go!
That question is so easy for me to answer: a walk along the ocean or a hike in the mountains.
What’s most important to you with the skincare of beauty products you use?
The ingredients used. I prefer to use only organic ingredients & ingredients that I can pronounce. I prefer to use only environmentally friendly products with simple, wholesome ingredients.
What did you dream of being when you were little?
I was one of the few kids that never had my heart set on being any one thing. All the games of ‘MASH’ I used to play would be proof of that! From what I can remember, I always wanted to own a business of sorts. The kind of business would always vary. Looks like it paid off to dream big 😉
Tell us something unexpected about yourself. Hidden talents, favorite dance moves, etc?
I am a Reiki Master, I take pottery wheeling classes and I love to play the kazoo!
Shop the Hawaiian Detox Body Wash Marguerite uses to soak off the day: View Now.

These partnerships were proudly sponsored by Alba Botanica®.