We’ve teamed up with 5 women who defy clichés, create legacies and are completely unafraid to start a revolution. These Alba Botanica® brand users represent everything we stand for and absolutely believe in doing beautiful in the world.
3 words to describe yourself. Go!
Introspective, silly, empathetic.
Tell us about the work that you do. What’s your favorite part?
The work I do ranges from teaching, writing, speaking, illustrating, and designing. It seems to always be changing because of the many unique opportunities that come my way, and I really love that because it pushes my creative interests. But my favorite part is meeting people, in person, who support and follow my work. I’ve had a blog for almost 11 years and have connected with so many people virtually. Whether through commenting on posts, purchasing artwork, or sharing an image of my work, these are people who have helped make it possible for me to do the work I do. To be able to meet and say thank you in person is always so great.
What’s the one thing that’s surprised you in your path up until now?
I always knew that I would have access to amazing opportunities. Even when I couldn’t see how or what, I knew in my gut that I would be able to work on great projects, meet wonderful people, travel, fall in love, live abundantly and more. So, when things happen I can’t say I’m surprised, because I feel I’ve manifested these things through positive thoughts and hard work. But it is the how or what that catches me off guard. It usually happens when and how I least expect them to happen, but when they do I’m like “of course!”.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Early on, defining my own path was my biggest challenge. When I decided to work for myself full-time, I knew it was something I had to do for me. I was very careful about who I shared this decision with because I didn’t want any negative energy to distract or discourage me. Getting to that place where I gave myself permission to live MY life took years of experience, growth, and development. It was challenging because there were always outside forces and opinions telling me not to do the thing that fuels my heart. I powered through and not only survived but I’m thriving!
To you, what does it mean to #DoGoodDoBeautiful?
For me it means feeling healthy, strong, fresh, and vibrant. When I eat well, exercise, meditate, and wear something I feel comfortable in, I feel beautiful.
What advice would you give to young women aspiring to pursue or get involved in activist work?
My advice would be to figure out how you want to serve, and this can be by trying different things. Then, define for yourself what it means to get involved or being an activist. With media and technology, it’s so easy to be distracted and think there are only a few ways to cause change. I think that everything from saying hello to a new neighbor, praying, volunteering, teaching, doing art, working for an organization, protesting, boycotting, etc. are ways to get involved. We must do things that feel right and authentic for ourselves and communities.
Favorite way to unwind after a long day. Go!
My favorite way to unwind is with a cup of tea. Maybe a nap, and definitely some reading or journaling.
What’s most important to you with the skincare of beauty products you use?
I always try to use skincare that is naturally inspired with minimal to no chemicals, and safe for the environment. Sometimes it’s a challenge to find moisturizers that aren’t too oily or heavy. For years, I’ve used Alba Botanica® Hawaiian Aloe and Green Tea Oil-Free Moisturizer because it nourishes the sensitive skin on my face while not being too heavy.
What did you dream of being when you were little?
I wanted to be a performer. I loved singing and dancing. But when I took a dance class I didn’t love it and never seriously tried to sing. Instead I preferred drawing and writing at home. I actually spent hours writing stories. Which looking back now was a little inkling to what I would really end up doing.
Tell us something unexpected about yourself. Hidden talents, favorite dance moves, etc?
I love to samba. It is my dream to dance in the Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
Shop the NEW Hawaiian Marula Miracle hair care products Andrea uses to style her curls here.

These partnerships were proudly sponsored by Alba Botanica®.